For many organisations, Instagram has emerged as a critical tool for brand awareness and customer acquisition.
As an example, 80% of Instagram users have purchased something as a result of what they saw on the network.
This is not the only reason Instagram is so popular: 60% of its active users visit the site every day, making it a habit for many people. Additional Information Check out this page for more information on how to boost Instagram engagement.
In order to get the most out of Instagram, it’s important to learn about some of the network’s lesser-known settings, hacks, search options, and comment features.
As a result, we set out to find them and compile them for your benefit in one place.
Whether you’re a recruiter, an ecommerce marketer, or just someone who wants to get the most out of Instagram, these tips and features can be useful to you.
Content Marketing Strategist Avon Collis provides a brief overview of these techniques.
What you didn’t know about Instagram tips and tricks!
You’ll get an email whenever one of your favourite people posts.
Want to be sure you never again miss an Instagram post from one of your favourite stars? You can be notified each time a specific user uploads a new image. It is sufficient to enable notification for each user individually.
To turn on alerts, open the drop-down menu that appears when you click the three dots in the upper right corner of a post and select “Alerts.” Finally, select whether you want to receive notifications for posts or articles from the drop-down menu.
Jen Reed’s Instagram account is @thesisterstudioig.
If you don’t want post notifications turned off, please let me know. Basically, it’s the same thing as before. Here’s how to enable the Instagram app in your phone’s settings.
To enable notifications on your iPhone or iPad, go to “Settings,” then “Notifications.” “Instagram” should have “Allow Notifications” enabled.
“Settings,” “Apps,” and Instagram are all you need to enable Android notifications. You have the option of turning on alerts if you want to.
Use a variety of typefaces to make your biography stand out.
Instagram bio hacks can be found here. When it comes to using emojis in a profile bio, your keyboard limits your options.
By visiting a few simple third-party websites, you can copy over a few additional unique typefaces that aren’t often seen on Instagram. To put it another way, this is how you go about it.
Here’s how to put your own font in your phone’s bio:
LingoJam, for example, allows you to change the typeface in your Instagram bio while you’re on the go. Your bio text will appear in multiple fonts if you enter it into a lefthand text field on the site, which you can then see on the right.
You can paste it into your Instagram bio by selecting the “Copy” option on the typeface you’ve chosen. Go to “Edit Profile” in the Instagram app, then “Biography” and paste your chosen font there. Afterwards
If you use a custom font for your bio, it will look much better.
A collection of typefaces can be downloaded and copied into your Instagram bio in a few seconds from Font Space on a laptop or desktop. Find a font you like and click on “Download” under the font sample picture, as shown below, in order to download a font
A.ttf file containing the various iterations of this typeface will be downloaded to your desktop when you click the “Download” button. You will receive a file that resembles this one.
Once you’ve saved this typeface to your computer’s clipboard, open your browser and log into Instagram.com. Click “Edit Profile” and paste the downloaded typeface into the bio section. Simply change the sample text included with your typeface to reflect your new bio.
It’s time to get creative with your moniker
There are many ways to personalise your Instagram bio, including adding letters that aren’t on your phone’s standard keyboard or even using a trademarked brand name in your username.
The ability to add special characters from a mobile device is available.
Mobile software like Character Pad, which is free to download, contains a wide range of characters that are not included in the 26-letter English alphabet.
Open the Instagram app to add a character to your bio. To paste an icon into a text field, all you have to do is double-tap the image of your selected icon in Character Pad. Then, save the character to your phone’s clipboard. For our purposes, I tapped twice on the half-moon symbol.
You can edit your Instagram profile by selecting “Edit Profile” after you’ve copied your symbol to your clipboard.
Keep your finger on the bio area where you want to enter a special character until “Paste” appears as an option and you can type in your special character. After selecting “Paste,” simply select “Done.”
Adding Symbols on a Computer
If you want to include symbols and characters in your Instagram posts, you can do so by using the Instagram client. This is the simplest way to insert a symbol in Microsoft Word: the “Symbol” insertion icon, as shown below.
Select the symbol or character you want to copy and paste it into the clipboard. Follow the instructions above to place your Instagram character in a specific bio area.
The methods outlined above can be used to find the unique character you’re looking for, but in some cases, using Google may be just as effective. Remember that Instagram may display garbled or incorrectly displayed special characters that you’ve copied from the internet.
Get to know people on Instagram who don’t have an account, and follow them as well.
If you haven’t already, take a look at the beautiful businesses, people, and pets that Instagram has waiting for you before deciding whether or not you want to join.
You can search for people on Instagram without signing in using one of two methods:
You can get your Instagram username by adding an extra parameter to the URL.
It is possible to search for people without an Instagram account by using an Instagram username and adding “www.instagram.com/.” to the search bar.
Your browser’s address bar will take you to www.instagram.com/ Relevate by entering our Instagram username, “Relevate,” in the URL. This link will take you to our Instagram page, where you’ll find a search bar at the top:
You can use the “Sign Up” button on this page to search for other members of the site.
Searching for Them on Instagram
A Google search for a person’s name can help you locate those who don’t have Instagram accounts. A little “hackier,” but just as effective, I think. It’s possible for you to tell Google to only look for your keywords on a specific website (in this case, Instagram).
Using Google, type “site:instagram.com [username]” into the search bar.
As long as the content before the brackets is preserved, you can shuffle through the names of individuals and companies in your search bar without affecting Google’s results. This is an example of a search performed on the Relevate site. As you can see, Google created our main profile, Relevate Life, as well as our Instagram posts with the #Relevate hashtag and our Relevate Academy Page.
There is a list of all the posts you’ve voted for here
Suppose you could see all the posts you’ve liked in one place. On the upper right of your profile, there is a gear symbol on iPhone/iPad and three dots on Android—click on the gear symbol and you’ll see your “Posts You’ve Liked.”
In order to unfollow a post, simply hover your cursor over the post’s “follow” button. You don’t have to be concerned about the user discovering that you un-Liked the post.
Several accounts can be managed from the same device.
Put money aside specifically for Fido in a separate checking or savings account. Stick to your dog profile; don’t be ashamed of it. In fact, whether it’s for a pet or a business, you’re free to add and maintain this account alongside your own.
Let me show you how it’s done:
Your profile’s gear icon can be found by going to the gear icon at the top of your screen. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the right upper corner of your Android smartphone to find this symbol.
At the very bottom of the page, you’ll see a link that says “Add Account”.
Only your second account’s username and password are needed
Your profile picture in the navigation bar will show all associated accounts if you hold down your profile image. You can also switch accounts via the aforementioned Settings tab. See what the new Instagram feature looks like in this sneak peek video.
Successful blogging relies heavily on advance planning.
We are all used to posting photos and videos to our Instagram Stories while we are on the go, wherever that may take us. It’s also possible to schedule them to be published at a specific point in the future.
If you have an Instagram business account, you can make use of this feature by using a social media scheduling service such as Relevate. Navigate to your company profile on Instagram and follow the instructions to link it to Facebook.
A social scheduling app may not include this step if you’re using it. After you switch to the correct account, the scheduling tool will begin, your linked profiles will be displayed, and Instagram as an available integration will be accessible.
Make sure your Instagram bio is optimised so that it appears in the Explore tab.
It’s not enough to have a few close friends, family members, and coworkers as your initial Instagram followers. For those who want to get noticed, Instagram’s Explore feature is the place to go.
By selecting the magnifying glass button, you’ll be taken to the Explore tab on Instagram, where you can conduct a keyword or topic search. There are a lot of terms here, including “Fitness,” “Style,” and “Science.”
This could help you reach a wider audience if you include these terms in your Instagram name and bio.
“Jane Doe Marketing,” rather than “Jane Doe,” could be a better Instagram handle for Jane Doe, a marketing consultant. SEO, blogging, and email marketing are just a few examples of her expertise that could be included in her bio.
Make a list of all the posts you’ve bookmarked so far.
In addition, Instagram allows you to create a collection of posts that you’ve liked.
Start by clicking on “Saved” from the menu at the top right of your screen in your profile.
You’ll then be able to name your new collection by clicking “+”
“Next” lets you choose images from a folder of previously saved images.
The bookmark icon can be found at the bottom of the post you want to save.
Following the same steps, go back to your previously saved photos.
Add the images to a collection by clicking “Add to Collection.” All of the photos you’ve taken will be displayed. It’s here where you can upload any and all of your photos.
Use ‘Type Mode’ for Instagram Stories to make them stand out.
When using Instagram’s Stories feature, you can publish photos that will only be available for a short time, like 24 hours, to anyone who has the app installed. Your Instagram profile will be seen by more people if you use this feature to promote it.
Stories have gotten a lot more creative since their inception, and it takes more than a nice filter to get noticed. Akin to Snapchat’s “Type Mode,” which allows you to add more information to Stories that are intended to be shared with a specific person. Use it by following the instructions below:
You can access Instagram Stories by swiping right from your feed. You can access the camera on your smartphone by pressing this button. Tap the “Aa” symbol on your screen, as shown below, after you’ve finished taking your photo or video.
Type Mode can be accessed by selecting the “Aa” symbol, which brings up a menu with five fonts: Modern, Neon, Typewriter, Strong and Classic.
As an illustration, here’s an example of a story written in Modern type:
You can create Stories Highlights to broadcast Stories for a longer period of time.
Your followers will only be able to see your story for 24 hours after you post it to your feed. Then again, there are times when a story justifies more coverage.
If you want to display a collection of your most popular stories on your profile page, use Instagram’s new Tales Highlights feature. You’ll find a “New” button under your profile picture. When you do, you’ll see a “+” sign appear.
Tales Highlights can be created by selecting multiple stories from your album and selecting the New option:
Instagram is where this photo was found.
If you give it a name and a cover photo, it’ll appear as its own Instagram Story right on your profile page. You can delete Stories Highlights by swiping and holding down this article.
Share other people’s content via Instagram Stories.
It’s possible that Instagram Stories could be an excellent tool for getting your content in front of as many eyes as possible on the homepages of your followers. When you’re feeling down, use Instagram Stories to share a motivational post from another user.
Let me show you how it’s done:
The paper aeroplane icon (shown below) is a quick way to send a photo or video to your Instagram Stories.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @Freddysusa!
You can either send this post to a specific follower or include it in your Story from here. Then, as shown in the following image, select the second option.
If you select this option, the post will be converted into an Instagram Story right away. Like any other Instagram post, an Instagram Story can be customised.
IGTV is a place where you can post and discover videos.
Instagram’s newest feature, IGTV, is its most significant yet. It stands for “Instagram TV,” as you might expect, and it’s a sort of Explore page for video content from Instagram users. How can IGTV benefit your business or brand? More than 60 second films can be submitted. You can also have your own channel on other video sharing sites like YouTube where you can share your films.
Find and click on “IGTV” on your Explore page, as shown in the screenshot above. There will be dedicated pages for some of the most prolific producers on IGTV, with links to their most popular posts and videos.
As you watch more videos on IGTV, you’ll be shown more videos that are relevant to your interests. It’s also true for your intended audience.
By clicking the “+” symbol on top right of your screen, you can create a new channel, as shown in this screenshot:
Create an IGTV channel for your content and then upload videos straight from your phone’s camera roll.
Take a look at the images without liking them by accident..
Even though it’s so easy to like something on Instagram, many people do so unintentionally: Just a quick double tap is all it takes to save a photo in its full glory.
Problems arise because mistakes can be made quickly and easily.
If you’re on Instagram, here’s a quick and easy trick: Avoid “double-tap phobia” by putting your phone into aeroplane mode while browsing Instagram feeds. A lack of an internet connection prevents you from clicking “Like” even if you accidentally double-tap on a picture.
The images won’t be visible if you begin the flight in aeroplane mode. To see all of the posts, open the feed and then turn on aeroplane mode in your browser.
There is nothing more complicated than disabling aeroplane mode and reactivating it once you have finished loading the first few rows. Cumbersome? It’s possible, but it might be worth it if it helps to lessen anxiety.
Aeroplane mode can be activated on an iPhone or iPad by swiping up from the bottom of your screen and then clicking on the aeroplane icon. It is also possible to turn on “Airplane Mode” in the Wi-Fi settings menu, which will prevent your phone from connecting to the Internet.
Activating the aeroplane mode on an Android device is as simple as performing the following steps: Swipe down from the top of the screen. Swipe from right to left until you locate “Settings.” Simply press the “Airplane Mode” button to activate it.
By hiding, deleting, or disabling comments on your posts, you can keep your content private.
It’s much easier to manage who can and cannot comment on your Instagram posts than it is on Twitter, where anyone can say whatever they want. This is particularly important in the context of a business account.
Using Keywords to Sort:
In the Instagram mobile app, select “Comments” from the “Options” menu. The app will not show comments that contain terms you find offensive if you select “Hide Inappropriate Comments.”
Taking out the Comments
You can delete a comment by selecting it, tapping the speech bubble icon under it, and then gently swiping to the left over this text. Click on the trash can icon that appears to delete this post. You can use this to improve your own comments, too.
To Delete All of the Comments:
Remind yourself that you can only disable comments on a single post at a time.
In order to do this, begin by posting a picture that you don’t want anyone to comment on. There is a “Advanced Settings” option down below where you can add captions, tags, and locations to your photo. Please click here to go directly to a page where you can quickly disable the comment feature.
Reset your Instagram settings to their defaults.
The best way to convince people you aren’t an Instagram stalker is to convince them you are not an Instagram stalker. Many of us, even on this particular social channel, may identify with the desire to erase our internet search history…. Thankfully, you can
You can delete your Instagram search history by clicking the “Settings” button (a gear symbol on iPhone/iPad and three dots on Android). The “Security” button is located at the bottom of the page.
Upon completion, click the “Clear Search History” link at the bottom of this page.
Change the order and hide the filters you don’t use.
There are certain filters you’ll always use and others you’ll never use on Instagram. You can streamline the editing process by hiding filters you don’t use and rearranging them in your editing window.
Filters can be rearranged or removed in new posts. When you arrive at the filters page, click “Manage” to the right of your filter selections.
Filters can be rearranged by dragging the three grey arrows on the far left in the direction you desire. They will no longer be visible if this option is deactivated.
Instagram can be used by picture editors (without having to post anything).
However much you enjoy Instagram’s filters and editing tools, you may not be ready to post the picture to your profile just yet. To use Instagram as a photo editor without sharing anything, simply upload a photo while your phone is in aeroplane mode.
In Instagram’s settings, make sure the option to “Save Original Photo” is checked.
After that, turn on the plane mode by following the instructions
Just follow the on-screen instructions to upload your picture to Instagram after you’ve done that. You’ve just uploaded a picture, so now you can edit and share it. Image uploading fails, but the altered image is still accessible in your phone’s photo gallery despite this error message.
Line breaks in your bio and captions are a must!
You’ll notice that pressing “Enter” or “Return” while using Instagram’s keyboard to compose an image caption does not work. You can apply the same logic to your personal bio. When it comes to adding line breaks, how do these people do it?
All it takes is a simple “123” key press in the bottom left corner of your keyboard, and you will see the “Return” key appear at the bottom right.
This simple piece of advice is often overlooked, and I was one of those people until a coworker pointed it out to me. Creative solutions to this problem include copying and pasting the caption content from a different app into Instagram, for example. Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as it appears.
Twenty-one. Put a lock on any photos in which you’ve been tagged.
This section of your Instagram profile contains all of the photos and videos that you’ve shared with the hashtag “#photosofyou” (see the next tip).
To see the posts in which you’ve been tagged, click the person symbol below your bio
To edit a post, click the “Edit” button in the upper right corner (even the one with the most tagged photographs). Select “Manually Approve Tags” to continue.
In order to remove certain posts from your profile, select the ones you don’t want to keep and then click on “Hide Photos” at the bottom of your page when you are finished.
You won’t be able to see any of your old posts, but they won’t be viewable by anyone else.
You can change your settings so that tagged photos don’t show up in your profile until you accept them.
When someone posts a picture or video of you on Instagram, it’s automatically added to your profile, as we discussed in the previous step. Editing your Instagram settings allows you to choose which photos you’re tagged in appear on your profile.
In order to see the pictures that have been tagged with your name, you can click on “Edit” in the top right-hand corner of your screen. Tap the “Add Manually” button in the “Tagging Options.”
If someone mentions you in a photo, you’ll still be notified. Select “Show on My Profile” from the drop-down menu that appears when you tap on a picture in which you were mentioned. Want to keep it off your profile? Click “Hide From My Profile”.
Use this option to see posts from a specific location.
Searching for photos and videos taken at a specific location or within a specific distance from your current location is an excellent feature on Instagram. When I’m looking for a new destination to visit or planning a vacation, I like to look through the photos taken there.
Follow the instructions in this article to do both of these things.
Posts can be filtered by location.
A geotag can be added to an image by clicking on it, or you can search for a specific location.
You’ll be taken to the general search page where you can type in a location by tapping the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of your home screen. When you type in a search term, the search bar at the top will display four tabs. Enter the name of a location in the “Places” drop-down menu. When you click “”Search,”” the most recent and most popular articles geotagged with that location will be displayed.
By clicking on the geotag on the picture associated with a particular location, you can see all posts made there. The most recent and most popular geotagged posts will be displayed.
Find Local Posts to Read:
For “Places,” just follow those simple directions from earlier in the article. Use the search bar to find “Near Current Location.”
From the drop-down menu, select a geotag. One of the geotags I might use to look for postings is the Museum of Science one. I have to click “Museum of Science, Boston” in the menu to see all posts geotagged there.
A third-party website should be promoted.
In Instagram marketing, one of the most frustrating aspects is the fact that clickable URLs are only permitted in your bio. If you included a link in the caption of a picture, users would have to copy the URL, open a browser, and paste or enter it in there.
It’s a smart move to use your Instagram picture captions to entice people to visit your profile, which is allowed to have only one clickable URL. After that, make sure to update that URL with any new content, videos, products, or deals.
Bon Appt’s cooking magazine has provided an example of this type of dish. In order to see the post in question, you can click on the link in the caption.
The link will appear on Bon Appt’s profile after that. By regularly updating this link, you’ll be able to share the most recent information and offers with your customers.
You may also include links in your Stories if your account has been verified. This feature can be accessed by clicking here.
Use Instagram’s Shoppable Posts to promote your products.
Using Instagram, you may have noticed that you can tag other Instagram users in your posts as you create them. People who are interested in what you’ve shown them can be directed directly to the product’s page on your website using product tags.
In order to open an Instagram business account.
Instagram Business accounts are required for shoppable posts. It’s possible to create an Instagram business profile by clicking “Edit Profile” and then “Try Instagram Business Tools,” as shown in the screenshots above.
Posting Products Using Product Tags
An Instagram Business account is required before you can use product tags in a product-related Instagram post. Select “Products.” from the drop-down menu under the gear icon on your profile page. After clicking “Continue,” follow the on-screen instructions to link your company’s “product catalogue.”
Product tags have been added to your Instagram Business account so that you can now tag new posts with items you find in your product catalogue. Posts like this one can be viewed as examples of shoppable content:
Instagram 25, the account that hosted the image in question, was cited as the original source. A Pinterest pin can now be added to your Instagram post.
As far as we know, the only way to share content from Instagram with other social networks is through the Facebook app.
When it comes to Pinterest, things are quite different. Follow along as we walk you through the process of pinning your most recent Instagram Story to Pinterest without the use of the official app.
Use the three dots in the upper right corner of an Instagram photo to see the entire post. In order to save the image’s web address, select “Copy Share URL.”
Log in or download the Pinterest app to access your personal profile page. If you don’t have the most recent version of Pinterest installed, the app may ask you right away if you want to use your clipboard to create the image.
If you don’t already have a “Copied Link,” you can create one by clicking the “+” icon in the upper right corner of your profile page.
Adverts that aren’t relevant to you should be blocked.
To provide you with the most relevant content, Instagram’s advertisements are customised to reflect your personal preferences and interests. You may see advertisements on Instagram based on your number of followers and likes, as well as the websites and apps you use.
If a sponsored post does not pique your interest, you can let Instagram know so that the algorithm can learn your preferences over time.
There are three dots at the top of the sponsored posts on Instagram, and you can choose “Hide This?” to hide them from your feed.
Your next step is to provide a reason for not wanting to see the ad.
It is possible to block advertisements from sites and apps that are not on Instagram or Facebook in your device’s settings. Ads based on your Instagram and Facebook activity will continue to show up even if you opt out of seeing them, even if you choose not to.
Please follow the following steps to prevent your iPhone or iPad from being tracked by ad networks: “Privacy” and then “Advertising” can be found in the “Settings” drop-down menu. Make your choice from the drop-down menu and select “Limit Ad Tracking.”
To turn off interest-based advertising on Android, go to “Google Settings,” then “Ads.” ” There is a “Turn off interest-based ads”” option.
Private photos can be sent to friends.
With Instagram, you can not only share your photos with your friends and family, but also with the rest of the world. As with Facebook status updates or text messages, it’s possible to spread the word about them in this manner.
When sending a photo to friends, you can either send a new one or one that you or someone else has already shared.
To send a private email, simply upload a picture and begin editing it like you would when creating a new post. In the “Share” tab, select “Direct Message” instead of “New Post” at the top where it says “New Post.” Your photo can now be sent to whoever you like.
You can access your direct messages by clicking the mailbox icon on your homepage.
Copy and paste the URL of the image you want to send into the text of the post you want to share, whether it’s your own or someone else’s if they have a public account. When the “Send to” box appears, click the paper aeroplane icon to select the recipient(s) of your letter.
Provide a link to another Instagram profile in your bio.
It’s possible that a large corporation will have multiple accounts on Instagram—each for a different aspect of the company. One of Relevate’s many options is to sign up for a Relevate Life, Relevate Academy, or Partner account if you’re interested in the company’s services.
This company’s main corporate page is re-emphasized by linking to the @Relevate account in other account profiles, such as @RelevateLife’s:
The good news is that you can include a second Instagram account in your profile bio. It’s possible to include a “@” symbol in your bio, followed by your prefered social media account’s name. Click “Done” to finish.
Highlights on Instagram Stories can now be rearranged.
Instagram Highlights are a great way to show off your company’s values, highlight new products or services, or organise the various topics you post about on a regular basis as a business.
The North Face highlights “VOTE,” “Global Climbing Day 2022,” and “Summer Basecamp” in its Highlights section.
Highlights from your first four semesters should be prominently displayed because you’re most proud of them. If you want to achieve your goal, just follow these simple steps.
When the slide-up appears, click “Edit Highlight” while holding down the highlight you want to edit.
For the next step, look for images or videos that you can incorporate into the video. Colors that won’t fade away are fine, because you can remove this in 30 seconds.)
Finally, in the upper right-hand corner, click “Done” to complete the installation.
Your Highlight should be at the top of your priority list right now. When you’ve finished posting a picture or video, you can simply uncheck the box next to it to remove it. Your video will always be the first item in the Highlight reel.
You can edit your Instagram Highlights Icon without publishing it to your feed by going to this page. It’s quick and easy.
For each Highlight, you should select an intriguing and engaging image to reflect what users might expect to see if they tap on it.
You can still use a picture as your Highlight Icon on Instagram if it isn’t already in your feed.
This can be done by clicking “Edit Highlight” as in the previous step.
Click “Edit Cover” when you’re finished. Take a look at your camera’s memory card.
Click “Done” after you’ve chosen a photo from your camera roll.